Manage Members

Manage Members

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of managing members in AIOZ W3S Storage. Managing members includes adding new members and deleting existing ones. This step-by-step guide will help you perform these actions with precision.

Adding A Member

To add a member to your AIOZ W3S Storage account, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Members Screen: Start by logging into your AIOZ W3S Storage account and accessing the dashboard. Once logged in, find and click on the "Members" tab.

Members screen

  1. Click on the "Add Member" Button: Within the Members screen, locate and click on the "Add Member" button. This initiates the process of adding a new member.

  2. Navigate the Wizard: You will be presented with a wizard comprising three tabs: General, Assign, and Confirm. These tabs will guide you through the member creation process.

    Add member wizard

  3. General Tab: In the General tab, you will see your Account ID displayed. Fill in the following input fields:

  • Member Name: Enter a unique member name (at least 8 characters).
  • Password: Create a password (at least 8 characters) containing at least one uppercase letter and one digit.
  • Confirm Password: Re-enter the password for confirmation.
  1. Move to the Next Tab: After completing the required fields, click on the "Next" button to proceed to the Assign tab.
  2. Assign Tab: In this tab, you will assign buckets to the new member. Follow these steps:
  • Assign Bucket: Click on the "Assign Bucket" button. This opens a side modal.

  • Select a Bucket: Choose the bucket you want to assign.

  • Set Permissions: Specify the permissions the member will have for this bucket. Options include All, Read, Write, List, and Delete. Select "All" to grant all four permissions.

  • Enter Passphrase: Provide the passphrase for the assigning bucket.

  • Add Bucket: After completing these steps, click on the "Add Bucket" button. The assigned bucket will be listed on the screen. To assign more buckets, continue by clicking "Assign Bucket."

    Assign Bucket modal

  1. Proceed to the Next Tab: When you are done with assigning buckets, click on the "Next" button to move to the Confirm tab.

  2. Confirm Tab: In the Confirm tab, you will see all the information related to the member you are adding. You also have the option to copy or download the member's login credentials, including Account ID, Member Name, and Password, by clicking on "Copy All" or "Download All."

    Confirm tab

  3. Confirmation: Check the checkbox that says, "I have copied/downloaded the member’s login credentials (Account ID, Member name, and Password)." This confirms that you have saved the credentials.

  4. Create Member: Finally, click on the "Create Member" button to create a new member. The member is now added and can be used to manage the assigned buckets.

You have successfully added a member to your AIOZ W3S Storage account. This member can now access and manage the assigned buckets based on the permissions you have specified during the creation process.

Deleting A Member

Follow these steps to delete a member:

  1. Navigate to the Members Screen.

  2. Choose a Member.

  3. Open the Action Menu: On the leftmost side of the member listing, you will see a vertical three-dot button (also known as the ellipsis menu) next to the selected member's name. Click on this button to open the action menu.

  4. Choose Delete: Select "Delete" from the menu. This action indicates your intent to remove the selected member.

  5. Confirm Deletion: A confirmation dialog will appear, asking you to verify your action. You will see the member's name listed for confirmation. Please take a moment to double-check that you have selected the correct member for deletion.

    Delete confirmation

  6. Proceed with Deletion: Once you are certain that you want to delete the member, click on the "Delete" button. AIOZ W3S Storage will now initiate the deletion process. It's essential to understand that this action cannot be undone. All data associated with the deleted member, including their permissions and access, will be permanently removed from your account.

You have successfully deleted a member from your AIOZ W3S Storage account. Please exercise caution when performing this action, as it cannot be reversed. Ensure that you have selected the correct member for deletion, as all their data will be irretrievable once the process is complete.